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In this episode of the Love Leadership Podcast, Pastors Todd Doxzon and Mike O'Connell discuss how to handle the opportunities that come with growth. One of the most important is to fight for unity to ensure that you actually experience freedom for your church or organization.
"Unity commands a blessing, while division squelches the spirit, and creating structures can actually lead to more freedom in leadership."
Todd Doxzon, Love Church
00:00 Unity is important for success, so create structures for freedom and come prepared with a plan.

  • Unity commands a blessing and division squelches the spirit, so it's important to create structures for freedom and come prepared with a plan.
  • The host and guest reminisce about their college football days and the humbling experience of being on a losing team.
  • Preparing for the upcoming season is a good leadership value and investing in growth is necessary to get better, which parallels being athletes and Knuckleheads.
  • The speaker discusses the movie Jesus Revolution and the evolution of their church's name.

04:30 A new Jesus movement is beginning as people seek a genuine relationship with God through a balance of scripture and the spirit, with Chuck Smith's ministry as an example and revival stirring up in the now generation.

  • The movie Jesus Revolution tells the story of Chuck Smith and the revival that happened with the help of Lonnie Frisbee, and the speaker believes that a new Jesus movement is beginning.
  • People are seeking a genuine experience and ongoing relationship with God, moving away from just checking the box at church.
  • The teaching combines simple Bible reading with the spirit of God, emphasizing the balance between the fullness of both the spirit and the scripture.
  • Chuck Smith's ministry is characterized by his ability to teach the Bible without notes and his evident fruit of a life soaked in scripture.
  • God is stirring up revival in the now generation and there is a growing season happening at Love Church, with new people showing up and experiencing growing pains.

10:04 Church attendance is increasing, causing space and parking issues, but we should view these as opportunities to serve and grow.

  • Instead of calling them problems, we should view them as opportunities to grow and serve better.
  • Running out of space and parking is becoming a problem for the church due to an increase in attendance.
  • The speaker discusses the importance of reaching and discipling as many people as possible in church, and shares a personal experience of dealing with space limitations during a service.

13:23 Teen volunteers helped manage parking at church, speaker had a spiritual experience and was reminded of the story of the paralyzed man being brought to Jesus.

  • Teenage volunteers and the speaker had a good time managing parking for latecomers at church.
  • The speaker welcomed people to park in the hundred available parking spaces and observed a large number of cars coming in even past 11:30, with one couple he had a heart for.
  • The speaker enjoys praying and worshiping before someone else takes the stage to deliver a powerful message about being seen and accepted by God, leading to people being highlighted for prayer.
  • The speaker had a spiritual experience during a worship session and was reminded of the story of the paralyzed man being brought to Jesus.
  • They broke open the roof to create space for their friend to experience a touch from Jesus.

18:00 A man gives his life to Christ after being touched by Jesus during an invitation for men to lead.

  • A man gives his life to Christ after being touched by Jesus during an invitation for men to lead.
  • The speaker emphasized the importance of seeing limitations as opportunities for innovation and shared a story about friends who were willing to do whatever it takes to get their friend to Jesus, while also highlighting the value of creating space for personal experiences and recommitting to the mission.
  • As an organizational leader, it is important to ask front-line leaders for potential solutions to problems.
  • Having a team of volunteers who can guide people to extra parking and lovingly welcome them can create a positive experience for visitors.

21:56 We need more volunteers to help with the great harvest, and prayer should be the first response for leaders to create a conducive environment.

  • We need more volunteers and servants to jump in and help with the great harvest, as there are not enough workers according to Matthew 9:37-38.
  • Prayer should be the first response for leaders in creating a conducive environment for volunteers, followed by practical implementation.
  • Burke prayed for more people to capture what God is doing and within a few weeks, three or four people joined the team who were joyful and passionate.

25:28 Church worship is now authentic and passionate, with a focus on creating a memorial for future generations to see the faithfulness of God, while balancing the need for order and growth through systems and unity.

  • Documenting worship through pictures is a way to honor and celebrate what God is doing.
  • Church used to be boring and smelly, but now there are authentic and passionate music and Bible teachings that connect with real life at Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale.
  • Capturing a photo is not just about the present moment, but also about creating a memorial for future generations to look back on and see the faithfulness of God.
  • The tension in creating systems within a growing church is balancing the need for order with the fear of squelching the spirit.
  • Having a system in place is crucial for honoring God, helping people, and ensuring growth and mentorship opportunities are available for those who want to get involved.
  • Unity commands a blessing, while division squelches the spirit, and creating structures can actually lead to more freedom in leadership.

31:33 ???? The importance of having systems and structures in place while stacking one day at a time in the word of God with the heart of God, sensing the season to shift the system for better stewardship, and refocusing on the mission of the church.

  • Having systems and structures in place gives confidence and a good plan, but it's also important to stack one day at a time in the word of God with the heart of God and have the humility to learn from others.
  • Systems should serve us and the spirit should have the final say, and it's important to sense the season to shift the system for better stewardship.
  • Many people are spiritually paralyzed and need to have their eyes opened to the possibility of a relationship with God, which can bring joy, peace, and a better understanding of life.
  • The goal of this episode is to refocus on the mission of the church and pray for leaders who may have become selfish and me-focused.
  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of unity in the church and partnering with others to reach and disciple the lost, while expressing gratitude for being a part of a phenomenal church.
  • Prayer for those who have a bad taste in their mouth about God and a hope that the conversation will help listeners embrace their current season and share with others.
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